21 Ağustos 2014 Perşembe

Tips Membeli Outdoor Furniture

Bagi suatu keluarga yang baru saja menempati rumah baru, tentu sedang bingung menta rumahnya. Perabot masih belum terisi dan bingung memilih adalah permasalahan yang sering timbul pada penghuni rumah baru. Meskipun biasanya sudah disiapkan dana untuk belanja, tetapi untuk menyesuaikan dengan keadaan sekitar yang perlu diperhatikan.

gambar outdoor furniture untuk taman rumah
gambar outdoor furniture
Tidak luput juga untuk memberi furniture outdoor kita. Konsep taman mini outdoor kini menjadi pilihan dengan penempatan furniture yang sesuai untuk memperindah dan mempercantik tampilan taman. outdoor furniture yang dipakai di area terbuka tentu berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan furniture yang biasa dipakai di dalam rumah anda. Perubahan cuaca dan keterbatasan lahan menjadi beberapa alasan dalam pertimbangan untuk memilih furniture yang baik digunakan di ruangan terbuka rumah anda.

Berikut 5 tips sederhana dalam memilih outdoor furniture yang tepat, sebagai bahan pertimbangan sebelum anda membeli furniture baru :

1. Hitung Ukuran Tempat yang Tersedia

Langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah menghitung space/lahan yang tersedia untuk menempatkan furniture ke dalamnya. Cukup lebar atau sempit kah untuk menambahkan berbagai aksesoris seperti kanopi (payung besar), lampu taman, dsb. Pastikan anda mendapatkan kenyamanan maksimal dengan ukuran space yang telah anda hitung sebelumnya.

2. Sesuaikan Budget Anda

Setelah mengukur tempat yang tersedia, perhitungkan jumlah furniture yang akan dibeli. Material yang berkualitas dan kemudahan dalam perawatan dapat menjadi investasi jangka panjang untuk menghemat biaya biaya yang akan dikeluarkan selanjutnya. Terutama dengan masalah perawatan mengingat kondisi cuaca yang berada di ruangan terbuka seperti terik dan hujan yang berpotensi  memperpendek umur furniture.

3. Pilihlah Bahan Berkualitas Tinggi

Hal ini merupakan faktor yang paling penting untuk mempertahankan umur furniture supaya tetap awet. Tentukan jenis pilihan furniture yang ingin dibeli, apakah berbahan kayu, alumunium, plastik ataukah kain? Bahan yang digunakan harus kuat dengan teriknya sinar matahari dan juga memiliki daya tahan air yang baik.  Alangkah baik nya jika produk telah menjalani serangkaian uji tes dengan proses teknologi yang baik.

4. Apakah Sudah Cukup Nyaman?

Jangan terlalu banyak membeli furniture jika baru mau masuk atau keluar saja sudah sempit. Tentu hal yang pertama dicari ketika kita memutuskan untuk menempatkan furniture di ruangan terbuka adalah agar kita memperoleh kenyamanan. Walaupun tempat nya masih cukup untuk ditambahkan 1 furniture lagi, ada baiknya untuk tidak memaksakan nya masuk ke dalam jika dirasa penempatan nya sudah cukup penuh dan sesak. Ruang yang renggang dapat memudahkan kita bergerak dan memungkinkan si buah hati bisa ikut bermain bersama.

5. Tambahkan aksesoris untuk menambah kesan elegan

Jika lahan masih cukup tersedia dan cukup nyaman untuk ditempati, tak ada salahnya untuk menambahkan beberapa aksesoris seperti kanopi, lampu taman, bunga taman, air mancur, meja, dan aksesoris – aksesoris lainnya. Tentu paduan aksesoris pelengkap ini dapat membuat rumah anda terlihat lebih berkelas

Bermain dengan anak sambil menghirup udara bebas atau sekedar pesta kebun tak sulit lagi untuk dilakukan jika anda ingin segera berencana untuk membeli furniture baru di ruang terbuka rumah anda. Jadi, sudah yakin dengan keputusan anda untuk membeli furniture baru atau masih mempertimbangkan untuk segera membeli?

Little Secrets For Your Kitchen

Kitchen for all homes dekorasyonunu a great importance sahiptir.ancak for ladies much more special place vardır.saatler spend time as they cuisines almost be perfect isterler.eg are you of your kitchen from the image no longer uneasy, and you wear if you think that you will offer ideas by applying a gorgeous kitchen décor can be .Mutfak furniture need to change your proposals for which will submit if you think yanılıyorsunuz.mad as yourself in any way without forcing your kitchen your peace of mind distorts parts get rid of almost a new kitchen had such olacaksınız.üstelik your e finger to have you more happiness to give.
Bathroom Wall and Lighting Ideas
The kitchen is usually the problems kitchen cabinets on the happening any group over the years in cracks, fractures kitchen decoration in the almost visual pollution oluşturuyor.eg your the kitchen cabinet of your door or anywhere if you have problems you see in the picture as you recommended a model ediyoruz.b model ready to receive and extra costs need to do yoktur.mutfak unit's cover completely and remove trash to the atın.böyle the kitchen cabinet's shelves open shelves into the getirin.he the decor for a more modern look will have created, as well as a new kitchen shelves had the will be like.

20 Ağustos 2014 Çarşamba

2014 Home Fashions

As every year, major changes in the area in 2014 was the fashion. Most affected by this change, the furniture was in the area. Design changes made ​​in all kinds of furniture products, has caused great interest of consumers. Some of the furniture changes made to the great interest in collecting, while others have failed. In general, however, if necessary to reach a conclusion innovations of 2014 we can say that in a positive direction.
To meet the expectations of today's quest for increased comfort levels increase the level of comfort that caught our attention. In particular, sofa sets analyzed in this when you will see. Furniture products the most important one and decoration indispensable underlying sofa sets in the year 2014 fashion the future if we color the corners teams stamp can say that.
Angular sofa sets by all the popular color choice in the decoration of your home than ever live up to the moment of closure will enjoy a view. Of course your furniture innovations of 2014 is not only the seat of your team. The most important items of furniture sofa sets, though the biggest change occurred in the wall units are seeing. Where many interesting designs in wall units are not included in the list of many different models manages to trends.

Both visually extremely rich, as well as interesting accessories with designs on your wall, wall units, you almost would also recommend.
Curtain models nor with the addition of many new models with design further enhanced the existing diversity. The year that marked the coming into fashion models and models took an interesting patterned curtains. If a curtain, modern and trendy model may be ideal for you if you want.
2014 Home Fashions

Wall Shelves and Models

Wall shelves of modern home furniture products becomes indispensable. It is quite elegant and modern appearance exhibiting both in terms of location a great convenience, this model i than last year, may be preferred is happening. Wall shelf instead place their shelves do not choose the room you unnecessarily occupied will happen as well so elegant and stylish decor They will not create.
atlanta beyaz duvar rafi 150x150 Duvar Rafları ve Modelleri
So whether your home has modern or classic décor style, whether you choose a suitable wall shelf and apply it to your home. For a lot of varieties that adapt yourself do not think you will have difficulty finding the model. A wide range of varieties in terms of color and to have had a positive impact on prices. Both rates increased diversity as well as the ability to adapt to any budget has been a convenience.
Wall shelves will choose which of course the style of your home and your pleasure is associated with a bit. However, to make the best choice we would like to advise you about. Your walls are large and if your home is modern in design, we recommend that you interesting and stylish design, the wall will be shelves. However, if you have a narrow wall shelf models to cover all the walls, of course, will create visual pollution. So when choosing a wall of shelves in the wall you should consider that you will use it.

Wall shelf model will look how stylish the course is concerned with the design. Wall shelf when you examine a large variety of models that will not be able to see and decide which one to select. So decide for yourself by examining the rather closely. This picture also think it would be beneficial to you.
Wall Shelves and Models

Different Meanings of eternity Hosted color! Blue

Farklı Anlamlar Barındıran Sonsuzluğun Rengi! Mavi

Blue, all shades of a color different meanings are delightful hosts. Sometimes it is a ton of chirping sometimes heavy. We can use many definitions, but in blue have the greatest sense of color is male. Even a very conservative gentleman about the color blue can easily use. On the day he was born, because it is a color with blue and blue are met. But a renkdeğil Blue confined by gender. Because the oceans carry on the tone color is so vast.

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